Nerina Lascelles invites viewers to reach beyond wave forms and cloud forms and ranges of mist obscured mountains, beyond rocky summits, precipitous slopes and shadowy ravines, toward depths of field within which a spacious luminescence holds sway.

Nerina Lascelles invites viewers to reach beyond wave forms and cloud forms and ranges of mist obscured mountains, beyond rocky summits, precipitous slopes and shadowy ravines, toward depths of field within which a spacious luminescence holds sway.
“I have always drawn and painted. People with their human foibles make good subject matter. Flowers, insects, birds and marine life move me to record their strange shapes and unlikely colour combinations. Occasionally there is a sublime moment when the hand seems to obey the eye observing the object. That moment is what spurs me on.
Gary Rance has been a sculptor for over 30 years. His chosen medium is cast bronze
The motif of the figure is a platform to draw our attention to issues.
Vaughn is a sculptor, ritualistic painter and ceramics designer. He established a career in Asia and other parts of the world, opening studios in Japan, China, Taiwan, Sri-Lanka and Mexico.
Russell’s fascination lies in transforming hard metals to art forms, capturing movement, beauty and life, consistently producing works reflecting his relationship with the land and the pursuit of his place and serenity within it.
Halpern is a multi-disciplinary artist who explores the mediums of sculpture, painting, pottery, glass blowing and printmaking. Her work can be exuberant and whimsical but is also imbued with a deep artistry.
Formally trained at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, Canada, Ashika was awarded a “Special Talent Visa” in 1999 that enabled him to further his career as a stone sculptor in Melbourne, Australia.
I have always been drawn to trying to depict landscape, accompanied by a fascination with the Ordnance Survey maps of Britain and the mysteries they contain.
The flattish land with views to the declining end of the Great Diving Range is an ideal landscape subject, a stage for the theatre of the harvest, and the spectacular light shows nature provides.
Steve Sedgwick's abstract landscapes are inspired by the smells, sounds and sights he experiences outdoors.
“I don’t like predictable. It’s got to be an exciting process,” he said.
Whitson has refined a technique reminiscent of pointillism stemming from the Impressionists of the 19thCentury, where layered paint and therefore different colours are applied using dots to create abstract landscape imagery with figurative and narrative dimensions. The choice of palette and pointillist gestures extend on the typically calming pointillism landscapes of the Impressionists and invite the viewer to imagine and see what lies below the surface of dominant Australian mythic landscapes.
Peter Gardiner has an innate connection with forests. "I paint pictures of forests mostly. I like the mysterious stage of the deep woods. Sometimes I burn it; fire is a character that looms large in the Australian experience. No point in ignoring it.."
Doggett Williams believes, "Art is the thumbprint of your experience in the world. It is a way to navigate through intellect and emotion to engage with the Other, to express your love of truth and disdain for the vulgar."
Sisson’s style reflects her genuine love of the natural world and possess a playful sense of inquiry, exploration and joyfulness.
Lucy is a leading sculptor of birds. Her chosen medium is bronze. The simplified and elegant lines of her works make them very tactile.
Over the last 12 years Julie Andrews has explored the psychological terrain of landscape painting, as an in-between space, ambiguous, sublime and mysterious.
An abstract & figurative expressionist artist , Veronica O Hehir's paintings are executed with an immediate & untethered energy.
Ian Parry is a Tasmanian artist born into a seafaring family. The maritime world, ocean and water permeate his work.
Lyrical painter are inspired by the natural environment, from the Victorian coastline all the way to the Western Desert.
Embracing sculpture, installation, photography and printmaking, Carmel Wallace’s artwork explores connection to place in the context of environmental awareness and ethics.
From his mud brick studio in the middle of the central Victoria forest, Philip Adams has been creating amazing artworks that capture the Australian landscape environment in all its forms.
Robert Ashtons work embraces an interaction between light and space, between control and chance, always looking for the place where the literal meets the abstract. His photographic mediums range from digital to large format.
The essence of Rimona's art is the colour, the textures, the compositions, the flowing rythm and sensuality, the touch of whimsy, the sheer joy and celebration of life combined with the vague feeling of threat , often hidden and covert.
Richard is not afraid to follow his instinct, to take risks with paint and medium, leaving traces of layers and remnants of marks to describe a romantic connection to the ocean, rivers and sky of the Victorian south west coast.
Arguably Australia’s foremost living force in the world of Surrealism. Embracing societal scars and whims of fantasy, rampant and verdant nature and the flames of the apocalypse, James Davis takes no prisoners with his paintings.
I found that marking 2 points in a painting created a space to work in. This was an epiphany for me. The realization that I could create a space to work in within the painting, that was changeable propelled me forward.
Surfcoast visual artist Susan Sutton is well known and highly regarded for her representational coastal images. I paint best what I know and understand in the region I have lived most of my life ... familiarity and research for detail form the basis of my created images.
After the last 30 years Graeme Altmann now has his own studio and gallery in Melbourne. His work continues to be inspired by the back roads of the Western District and the obscure narrative of the Southern coastline.
Sisca Verwoert's paintings bring elements of the Otway Ranges with a heightened colour palette and simplification of landmass, vegetation and ocean that presents the atmospheric buzz of a region that is close to our hearts.
Ray is motivated by a passion for the landscape, its patterns, textures and grandness. Hang gliding and gaining that perfect altitude gives him the perspective he craves and captures in his work.
The natural world and landscape themes have dominated his output over the past 25 years however there have been other significant series that have come into play along the way, often reflecting a spontaneous evolution of his expressive range.
“I’m not an urban person. I’ve always, except for a few short stints, lived in the bush where I find comfort and inspiration. The bush never ceases to surprise me as it unveils a multitude of moods and structures, something I hope to share with those who see my work."