“…we are hardly breathing, are we almost dead?
Can we hear the landscape breathe,
can we feel it,
can we be truly in touch with and a part of it,
or have our lives been diminished to merely consuming?”

Acres, Decimal, Drifters, acrylic on linen, 97 x 153 cm - $6000

Foxhole, Fallback, Tarmac, acrylic on linen, 153 x 97 cm $6000

Arenas, Accompany, Culimate, acrylic on linen 97 x 153 cm - $4800

Untitled II, arcylic on board, framed, 82 x 120 cm - $4000

Untitled III, acrylic on board, framed, 81 x 120 cm - $4000

Cultivated, Seniority, Rocketed, acrylic on linen 153x97cm - $6000

Hurt, Hotspot, Downtime, acrylic on linen, 153x97cm - $6000

Pocketting, Scrum, Herds, acrylic on linen, 153x97cm $4800

Overturned,Satins,Shredding, acrylic on linen, 153x97cm $4800